Box 0161
1770 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02140
1.617.290.4864 (ph)
Friends of Alewife Reservation (FAR) is a multileveled stewarding and advocacy group that desires to protect the public Reservation land owned by the MDC and to preserve it for wildlife and for future generations, providing a highly accessible area in limited wilderness areas for passive recreationists. The group is run by a board of overseers that oversee activity and help advocate for Reservation needs.
FAR hosts interdenominational spiritual services within the Alewife Reservation. Disclosure Policy |
To bring public attention to the MDC Reservation, wetlands, and environs by working with community volunteers, elected officials, Alewife area groups and the Mystic River Watershed Association to preserve and protect the area by means of visible presence of adult volunteer monitors, or school youth projects which include: public clean ups, survey teams, wilderness educational tours and classes, water quality testing and other projects which benefit the Alewife Reservation.
FAR is seeking volunteers to join one of its several task forces:
- Nesting box project
- Group cleanup
- Alewife T environmental mural
- Blair Pond
- Campaign to save Alewife Reservation core "Silver Maple Forest"
- Stream team