Volunteer Boston is a web resource for non-profit community service organizations and their volunteers.  We seek to serve all those who want to volunteer to serve their neighbors. Volunteer Boston is a web resource for non-profit community service organizations and their volunteers.  We seek to serve all those who want to volunteer to serve their neighbors. Volunteer Boston
A web resource for community service organizations and their volunteers.
  about | contact | site map  
Volunteering Opportunities Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteering Forum Volunteering Forum
Volunteering Calendar Volunteering Calendar
Volunteering Need Volunteering Need
Guest Book Guest Book
Account Login Account Login
City Volunteers City Volunteers Network


Open Door

Organization Listings
Guest Book

Banner Ads

Open Door 

Volunteer Boston works to serve all organizations regardless of their religious or political affiliations. We neither promote nor exclude based on affiliation. We are an independent organization that works to be a neutral service in the attempt to keep positive community change unpoliticized. In the same spirit, Volunteer Boston discloses all affiliations of listed organizations and sponsors.

Volunteer Boston welcomes and values participation from a diversity of individuals, and therefore does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, veteran status or disability. It is our intention to make our web site accessible to the visually impaired in the future.


Other than information available on our website, Volunteer Boston does not distribute any information about persons or organizations with whom we interact. Information on organizations, sponsors, and donors is not housed on our servers.

Restricting the dissemination of or access to the information contained within for proprietary purposes is contrary to the mission of Volunteer Boston. The purpose of our this policy is to ensure personal privacy and security of all individuals who interact with, contribute to, or otherwise are solicited by our organization, all of whom have not necessarily previously consented to such distribution of contributed or archived information.


We work in good faith with our web host to secure the content of our site. Compromised pages will immediately close to public access until repairs have been performed.

Information on organizations, sponsors, and donors is not housed on our servers. No information shall be summarily distributed to outside parties without prior deliberation nor record.


Organization Listings 

A core service of Volunteer Boston is to index all community service opportunities in the metropolitan Boston area. To be listed, an organization must:
  • maintain a non-profit status,
  • serve the community,
  • and require the service of volunteers for its operations.
Information in our listings is provided by the organizations themselves. When unavailable, Volunteer Boston will instead supply information from organization publications in substitute.

Guest Book 

Our guestbook is intended for the use of website guests to send greetings and comments during their visit. It is our way of meeting those who come to solely view our site. HTML is censored from guestbook entries. Email addresses are not a requirement for signing the book. Signing with email addresses will allow us to correspond with visitors. Again, please see our privacy policy.


Banner Ads 

The purpose of banner ads at Volunteer Boston is to highlight special events for community service organizations. This service provides us with our sole opportunity to recover costs of operations outside of philanthropy.

Banner ads are only displayed for organizations listed in our site. The banner display is managed in a manner intended to reduce dominance of any single advertiser. Ads are displayed randomly from a library of active banners. An incremental fee schedule is applied to any advertiser with either multiple banners or increased exposure frequencies.

Hunger &
Education Youth Women Seniors Health &
Animals &
Culture &
Foundations &
©2007 Volunteer Boston